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Foodie Friday: Watermelon Blackberry Mojito Smoothie

Watermelon Mojito

I have never met anyone that doesn’t enjoy a good slice of watermelon. My family loves it and waits for it to come into season every year. I am always on the look out for a new fresh watermelon recipe and this one is ideal! This is a perfect treat for sitting on the porch with friends! It’s easy to make and refreshing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


  • ½ cup Sliced Watermelon
  • ½ cup Frozen Blackberries
  • .75 oz. (half shot) Rum (full shot, 1.5 oz., if you are feeling frisky)
  • 3 oz. (two shots) Jordan’s Skinny Mixes ‘Mojito’ Mix
  • Small Handful Fresh Mint

Optional Tools

  • Double Jigger
  • Wooden Muddler


  • Using a wooden muddler (or your fingers) push down on mint and continue to press out flavor. Add to blender. Note: I recommend using NutriBullet, but any blender will work fine.
  • Add watermelon and frozen blackberries to blender.
  • If you have a jigger, use to measure rum and mojito mix. Otherwise, use typical measuring tools. Add rum and mojito mix to blend.
  • Blend for approximately 60 to 90 seconds.
  • Do not strain. Pour into glass.
  • Garnish with fresh mint, sliced watermelon, and whole blackberry.
  • Serve immediately.
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