Each summer, many of us are in an active mood yet not sure what to do on nice days. Of course, there’s always the picnic or a barbecue but that becomes tiring. Especially when overdone during the summer months. But, using your imagination as your guide, you can always find something to do. Whether it’s with family as bonding or even a few friends you can find a way to keep yourself and others entertained while enjoying the beautiful season. These are twenty summer activities you’ll be sure to enjoy.
Warm Weather Activities for Kids of All Ages
Go on a boat ride and bring some friends or family along. There’s nothing like being out on the waters for a few hours or even a day as a getaway. Maybe you could even go fishing if you’re into that sort of thing.
Go hiking in a new, out of the way place. There’s nothing better than hiking to let the hours pass by doing some exercise while having fun. It’s much better than sitting in front of the television or computer and, if you’re hiking up a hill, the view will definitely be worth it.

Create a new recipe with a summer theme. It can be a salad, something barbecued or even a dessert. Better yet, have it center around a summer holiday or family celebrations.
Go Camping. Okay, this one is sort of common but who doesn’t love camping out? Late summer night stories under the stars and waking up in the natural environment around you is one of the most refreshing ways to get away from stresses. Even if it is in your own backyard. There is one requirement though. No modern technology is to be used to get the full experience. Not even a wrist watch.
Volunteerism is a great way to spend a day soaking in the summer season. Forget about waiting for someone to come to you to ask for your help. Go out and do it yourself. Some ideas are cleaning up a local park or anywhere in your community or helping elderly neighbors with chores around their home. You’re never too old to volunteer either.
Visit a museum and discover new things. The type of museum doesn’t matter but what does matter is if you see it as a learning experience as well as something you wouldn’t mind doing again.
Visit local attractions. We all know them but tend to put off visiting them. So turn off your television, bring family or friend and go hopping from one place to another. Maybe even bring a digital camera, take some pictures and share them with the world on your blog.
Find a nice, quiet place and just write. It doesn’t matter what you write as long as it’s meaningful to yourself. It can be a song, a story, recollections of a memory or whatever. Better yet, have yourself a friend write something and share what you wrote with each other.

Throw A Community Party. Of course, this will take some more planning than all the others and a bit of scheduling but the work will be worth it. Especially if you’re in a town, block or any place where neighbors don’t socialize too often. If you’re tired of your unsocial community then this one is a definitely “must do” for you.
Make functional homemade crafts from what’s laying around. It can be anything from simple porch wind ornaments to bird houses and even mailboxes. One big plus is that you can easily sell these sorts of items for extra money if you try. If that’s the case then find a local flee market or even try and sell them from your front lawn or somewhere local and visible if you want/need the money for your work.
Definitely try to come up with your own variations or even completely new activities not listed here. Summer is meant for fun and there are no limits to how much fun you can have nor how often you can have it. So plan it, then go out and have that fun.
Help children spend their free time summer wisely. Keep them busy. Take them on field trips and enroll them in summer courses to make their vacation more worthwhile.
Simple Ideas for a Busy Summer
Kids have simple needs. In fact most of the times, all they need is for daddy and mommy to spend time with them. So, it’s not too difficult to come up with a list that will surely be a hit with any child.
Take the kids on family field trips! An out-of-town excursion would be terrific but not essential; scheduled weekend visits to places that will interest them ñ a zoo, or a butterfly farm. A treat to an ice cream parlor or to a park to do some biking has the same effect. Go to a park to jog, cycle or to simply hang around. Bring picnic baskets, badminton sets, and resolve to unwind and have a good time with the family.
Schedule checkups. Many schools now require a certification from dentists and doctors that the child has recently undergone a routine dental and physical checkup as a requirement for enrollment. Even without being required, make it a habit.
Enroll children in summer courses. Opt for classes that teach skills in a play atmosphere. Summer is a long time for children to be cooped up at home. Tensions will rise among siblings. Allow them to express their anxieties, frustrations, and boredom in a healthy manner.
Give the child some vacation money. Parents can specify a reasonable budget like a daily allowance, whether he is enrolled in summer classes or just spending time at home. Teach the child to stay within his budget; help him decide on whether to spend this allowance on food or non-food items. Bring him along when grocery shopping and guide him on his choices.
Keep healthy snacks at home. Fruits are plentiful during the summer and are good thirst quenchers when served as a shake or juice.
Keep a running project going with children. Highly recommended: Putting together a puzzle with a thousand pieces and starting and tending a vegetable garden together.

Remember to play as a family. Charades, word games, ball games, board games ñ all these spell fun for everyone.
How to Structure a Vacation Schedule
Lazy summer days don’t mean kids have to be idle. Here are some ways to structure a vacation schedule:
Chores. Each child, no matter how young, must have a chore that he is responsible for. Why? Getting them into a routine will bring about a lifetime of positive consequences. This may take the form of putting used clothes in the hamper, packing away toys, wiping the table, sweeping the floor after meals, or fixing his bed in the morning. Remember to reward a child’s efforts with sincere praise, a pat on the back, or a hug.
Schedules. Mornings may be spent for personal clean-ups, summer lessons, pursuing personal interests such as reading and drawing, or helping to cook lunch. Afternoons may be for taking naps, socializing with neighborhood kids, watching a little TV, and bonding with parents when they’re home. Turn on the TV in the afternoon for a certain number of hours, and watch only parent-approved shows.
Sleeping hours. The kids may sleep and wake up only an hour or so later than they do during school days. It will not help anyone to undo good habits and practices only to re-introduce them a few weeks before the new school year starts.
Kids look forward to summer vacation, but sometimes they get bored starting the second week, so parents should make sure that everything is planned out even before the school year ends. Most importantly, family activities should be a top priority to make the summer vacation more memorable for the kids.