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Do You Know the Walt Disney World Park Rules?

Walt Disney World Park Rules

Did you know that there is a long list of rules that guests are expected to follow when visiting Walt Disney World Resort? Unfortunately, in the world we live in, rules are necessary. I have seen Casts Managers at Walt Disney World quietly enforce rules on occasion. They do it quickly and without much fuss. The top priority is always protecting the safety and comfort of all guests. The list is pretty long but many of the items listed are common sense.

I have done screen shots of the rules as they are printed on the Walt Disney World Resort website. I wanted to be sure to not make any errors or omissions by re-printing.

Walt Disney World Park Rules


Walt Disney World Park Rules

Walt Disney World Park Rules

Walt Disney World Park Rules

There is also an additional page on the website with a longer list of prohibited items.

Walt Disney World Park Rules

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Monday 12th of September 2016

Thanks for the post. We are going in June and we were going to buy a little red wagon for the parks.

Janice Brady

Monday 12th of September 2016

I'm glad you were able to see the rules before spending the money or getting turned away at the gate! Have a great trip!