As families, we often stick to the same vacations each year. Let’s face it, most of us have spent a large part of our time away at Disney resorts and the like. These are fun locations that our kids love, and we can guarantee a good time when we visit. Sometimes, though, doing the same thing every year can start to lose its shine.
That’s why we think it’s worth stepping outside of that comfort zone sometimes. And, with the cold weather well upon us, you’ve chosen the ideal time to try something new. The year-round hot weather may be the thing we love most about trips to Walt Disney World in Florida. But, what if you stepped outside that box with a winter vacation this year?
Trips to colder climates can be ideal for family travel. Where you get cold, after all, you get snow. And, more often than not, snow comes complete with ski and snowboard slopes. Getting stuck in could see your kids seeking thrills akin to their favorite roller coasters. The only thing is, they don’t have signs and seat belts to hold them in place here. That’s why you need to take the following precautions to help them feel safe.
Suit them up with safety gear
Before you head off, make sure to stock up on safety equipment. For the most part, this means things like shin pads and helmets. Helmets are the most crucial aspect, so make sure to take your time when selecting these. If you check out this sizing guide for your head, you should be able to find a perfect fit for you and your kiddies. Then, you can be sure that you’re as safe as possible when it comes time to hit those slopes. That alone could give your youngsters the push they need to step outside their comfort zones.
Research child-friendly slopes
It’s also worth looking out for resorts with child-friendly slopes. This shouldn’t be difficult, as most ski and snowboarding results accommodate families. By starting small, you can help your kids to develop their confidence. You wouldn’t have expected them to go on Big Thunder Mountain during their first year at Disney, right? So, don’t make them tackle the largest slopes without some practice first. Who knows; they might be riding with you adults by the end of your trip.
Let them take it at their pace
It’s also worth noting that a trip like this can be strenuous. Your kids may not be used to that. That’s why you also need to let them take this at their own pace. It may be that they can only cope with an hour on the slopes at a time. That’s fine; most resorts have cafes and shops you can head to between goes. You may even find that they enjoy this trip most when they spend half the day skiing, and the rest exploring. By accommodating these needs, you ensure that trips like this also win a spot on your regulars list.