Onward, the latest film from Pixar Animation Studios, takes place in a “suburban fantasy world,” where elves use cell phones, unicorns are pesky raccoon-like creatures, and wise, magical trees grow in the middle of parking lots.
Even though the film won’t be released until March, 2020 there’s already plenty to get excited about!
The trailer opens declaring that “in times of old, the world was magical…” and quickly brings us back down to earth by saying “but times change”.
Unicorns are not all rainbows – In Onward, they are actually garbage picking, raccoon like creatures. Houses look like mushrooms and pet dragons shoot little blasts of fire when upset.
The trailer doesn’t give us much about the story except that one of the brothers declare they are “going on a grand and glorious quest,” while the other feels “it’s not a quest, it’s just a really fast and strange errand.”
Knowing Pixar the way we all do – one thing for sure – whether it’s a quest or an errand – it will be a really big and cool adventure!
BAD DRAGON – In Disney and Pixar’s “Onward,” Ian Lightfoot’s mom has his back—even when his hyperactive pet dragon, Blazey, is misbehaving. The film features Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the voice of Mom, and Tom Holland as the voice of Ian.
This first trailer gives us a glimpse of this fantasy land.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8DKg_fsacM[/embedyt]
Onward, which is set to hit theaters March 6, 2020 will be Pixar’s first non-sequel release in nearly three years.
The film, which is directed by Dan Scanlon (Monsters University), is set in a magical world that has become far less magical with the onset of modern life. It follows two teenage elf brothers, voiced by Chris Pratt and Tom Holland, who set out on a quest to discover if there’s any real magic left.
In the trailer, we see a suburban neighborhood inhabited by magical creatures like gnomes, centaurs and unicorns, who apparently have become scavengers of trash.
The teaser sets up the film’s urban-fantasy world, where pegasus must fight for air space with planes, and unicorns are the equivalent of raccoons.
Official Synopsis:
Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” introduces two teenage elf brothers who embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left out there. Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new original feature film is directed by Dan Scanlon and produced by Kori Rae—the team behind “Monsters University.” “Onward” releases in theaters on March 6, 2020.
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