One Pot Meals can make life so much easier! Quick: Name all the things on your plate today. Work. The house. Laundry. Cleaning. Working out (maybe!). The kids. Sports. Then do it all over again the next day, and the next. What’s missing? Meals, of course. But they’re a time-consuming, often stressful investment of effort and money. And often they go uneaten when one person in your house doesn’t like something. It’s frustrating and exhausting. We all know it’s important to include several food groups when meal planning, but who has time to prep and cook multiple dishes while working, running a household and raising children?
One Pot Meals offer up healthy, balanced nutrition for the time crunched household.
There’s a better solution: one-pot meals. The benefits are numerous. They’re family friendly. They’re easy—and often cheap. They’re adaptable to a range of food types—pasta, curries, rice, and more.
But want to know the best part? They’ll reduce your time in the kitchen. One-pots meals—a spaghetti dinner, a bean-based meals—will cut down on prep time, cook time, and even better—clean-up time. Check out the simple ideas we’ve collected to make dinner more fun, more family friendly, and easier on you.
Didi Marie
Saturday 9th of January 2016
Saturday 9th of January 2016
Isn't it a great graphic!