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The Jungle Book in Dolby Cinemas at AMC Prime

I received an all expense paid trip from Disney to attend the #JungleBookEvent. The opinions expressed here are my own. I received no monetary compensation.

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During my recent adventure, I was fortunate to screen The Jungle Book twice. Once in Dolby Cinemas at AMC Prime in Burbank and a second time at the premiere in 3D. Both were totally different experiences. Both were fabulous. It’s absolutely amazing to me how you can see the same movie and experience it in different ways.

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For those of you that don’t know, Dolby Cinema delivers the total movie going experience. It combines powerful imaging and sound technology with theaters designed to make your visit over the top. Soft leather reclining seats, food and drinks.


It really isn’t the food, drink or really really comfortable seats that make the experience special. It’s the technology. The size of the screen. The sound. The quality of the images. Dolby Vision™ laser projection combined with Dolby Atmos® sound in itself is astounding. Add to those things power reclining seats with seat transducers that vibrate with the action on the screen! You feel as if you are in the movie. At first it can be just a little off-putting. It totally changes your movie experience when you ‘FEEL’ the movie. The screen is huge and curved so you almost feel engulfed into the backdrop and images on the screen. The screen is designed to fill the entire front wall of the theater from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall. The colors coming from the screen are so vibrant, are much sharper and more realistic. 

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Speakers are placed all along the side walls, back wall, and along the ceiling, and sound can be “panned” or located practically anywhere in the room. These state-of-the-art theaters offer audiences a brand new experience in both sound and vision. Dolby Laboratories and AMC Theatres have teamed up to combine design and implementation of state-of-the-art theaters to offer an incredible experience in sound and vision. AMC hopes to have 50 Dolby Cinema at AMC Prime locations open by the end of 2016. Personally, I don’t think there will be any other way to see a movie! It’s a completely immersive experience that starts when you enter the theater. In most locations there will be an audio-visual pathway leading to the movie auditorium itself. The pathway is outfitted with wall projection images and sound, related to specific movies showing.


The theaters are all black inside with black walls and ceilings. It was purposely designed this way to eliminate light interference. Low ambient LED lighting for the aisles and stairs comply with safety regulations but also greatly reduce the amount of light that can interfere with the movie experience. The number of seats are limited to insure that every seat has a great view. This is definitely first class movie going.

I was thrilled to be able to experience The Jungle Book in this theater. The vast screen, the sound, the overall feeling made it seem like we were swinging through the jungle along with Mowgli. It gives you an incredible sense of being a part of the film. The colors are so bright and vivid the creatures come alive and appear to be larger-then-life. I can’t wait for Dolby Cinema to come to my area – there is no better way to see a film!



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