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How To Move Around Quickly on Your Solo Travels

When you’re traveling by yourself, you’re going to want to keep costs down to a bare minimum. Heading out with just a backpack.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Just because you’re out seeing the world doesn’t mean you should have to pay a high price for it all the time. This means buckling up and being tough, because you won’t be living a luxury life.

We all know we don’t travel for the fun of the lifestyle but for the wonderful route of exploration we lead.

You’ll be sleeping in places that aren’t anything like your bedroom back home, you’ll be eating food that is strange and you will need to value the basics in life like never before.

One of the things you’ll be doing is planning at least a week in advance. The last thing you want to do when you’re on your own is miss your schedule. If you stay in one place unnecessarily long, that can mean you’re spending money that should be being spent on your next location.

So here’s how you can move quickly from place to place.



A big ol’ meal

Starting off any travel day is going to warrant a big breakfast. But if all you have is your backpack and your sleeping bag, what do you do?

Well, chances are that you’ll be getting up bright and early, possibly 5 or 6am and getting ready to travel all day long to get to your next destination. So you need a simple but high calorie meal. You can do the things that are explained on Backpacking Wiki such as cooking or eating your own meals in the hostels you stay in.

For example, keep it simple with fats and sugars that you get from yogurts, bring some quick snacks such as string cheese, packets of oatmeal you can pour hot water in and, of course, buy and cook some local eggs which should be dirt cheap.

You can rack up close to 1,000 calories just with this kind of breakfast.



Use the nighttime

Something that holds us all back when we travel is our own hygiene standards. Don’t wait until the morning to wash your clothes and hang them out to dry. Yes the midday sun is going to help dry them off quickly but that means you’re stuck for at least half a day until you can go anywhere.

Image by cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay

Instead, before or after you have eaten dinner, you should wash your clothes. If a washing machine isn’t available at a hostel or bed and breakfast, then roll up your sleeves and wash your clothes by hand. You can learn how to do this online, as there are some easy techniques you can learn quickly. Then hang your clothes out to dry in the night. Some countries especially in Asia have hot muggy nights so your drying clothes can get a headstart. Who knows they might be ready for the morning.

Eating and preparing clothing for the next couple of days are the two biggest holdbacks of explorers and travellers.

However, if you split your eating into just two meals a day with large calorie intakes, this can greatly reduce the amount of time wasted preparing and cooking multiple meals.

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