In Disney’s riveting mystery adventure “Tomorrowland,” a jaded scientist and an optimistic teen embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space.
Are you ready to go to Tomorrowland? I am! I have been waiting for the release of this new movie from Walt Disney Studios. First, I am a fan of Disney’s style of films. No violence, no swearing, no risque behavior. In my old age I have no patience or desire to spend my money or time watching a movie filled with all that nonsense that in reality has nothing to do with the plot. Second – spending a few hours watching George Clooney is always a great way to spend some time!
The film has a great cast – George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Britt Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Tim McGraw, Judy Greer, Kathryn Hahn, Keegan-Michael Key, Thomas Robinson. Sounds like a great line-up to me and I can’t wait for the film to open on May 22!
From Disney comes two-time Oscar® winner Brad Bird’s “Tomorrowland,” a riveting mystery adventure starring Academy Award® winner George Clooney. Bound by a shared destiny, former boy-genius Frank (Clooney), jaded by disillusionment, and Casey (Britt Robertson), a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity, embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space known only as “Tomorrowland.” What they must do there changes the world—and them—forever.
Here’s a new trailer:
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TOMORROWLAND opens in theaters everywhere on May 22nd!